Get Ready for Fall

As fall approaches, and outdoor temperatures go down, we all end up taking warmer and longer showers. Hotel guests rising early in the morning want hot water on tap while greenhouses and nurseries start turning up their heating boilers to ensure they can maintain temperatures in the greenhouses helping plants thrive. Read on to learn how to get prepared and head off the peak demand season.

Important tips to bear in mind...

  • Set up your scheduled maintenance to coincide with the period of high demand - this will help head off an unplanned hot water interruption and address minor wear and tear repairs before all your residents are calling in simultaneously on a chilly November morning to let you know they have no hot water.

  • DO NOT turn the set temperatures up beyond 120 degrees - we often receive calls to request the hot water temperature be turned up in response to demand for more hot water or "hotter water". International plumbing codes dictate that domestic hot water temperatures not be set to exceed 120 degrees. This is a health and safety issue and the regulations are there to protect the end-user. In the absence of a mixing valve, please ensure the set temperatures on your heaters and boilers do not exceed 120 degrees.

  • If the water is leaving the mechanical equipment at the right temperature but reaching the units with more than a 10 degree loss, it may be wise to engage a leak detection specialist to identify possible line leaks or cross overs in the building's plumbing. If left unattended, this can lead to climbing water bills and property damage.

Employee Highlight

Phillip Hernandez, Dispatcher

If you call in to Pro Star, you may hear a new voice on the line. Phillip joined us as a warehouse associate a year ago and quickly rose up the ranks. He is now our dispatcher. Here are some fun facts about Phillip you may not know:  

  • He's going to be a first time dad in a few months - be sure to wish him luck when you speak to him😊

  • He is an avid fan of the Angels, Lakers and Falcons

  • He enjoys spending quality with friends and family


Need a boiler repair right away?


If you’re worried about keeping up with demand for hot water in the coming cooler season ahead, and have deferred maintenance, please call Pro Star Mechanical at 714-999-1177 and we would be glad to be of help.

Laila Karamally